Dominicana se transforma

Novembre, 2021

Transformation training with 26'000 leaders

Duration: 5 days
Dominican Republic: 25’000 leaders of 8 spheres of influence
Coaches: 200 coaches of the John Maxwell Team
Goal: reach 250’000 peoples of Dominican Republic

Leadership expert John C. Maxwell and 200 coaches from all over the world came to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic at the invitation of the gouvernement, from Novembre 16-21, 2021. This special delegation launched a strategic transformational leadership development project at national level known as Dominicana se transforma. The goal is to reach up to 250’000 of the Dominican population by equipping them with values-based principles they can learn, live and lead in their social and professional environments.


This initiative was led by:


It was such a blessing to have been part of #Dominicanasetransforma with 200 coaches of The John Maxwell Team. With the help of 350 interpreters and with exceptional teamwork, we trained 26’000 leaders during five days with a potential impact of 150’000 to 250’000 people over the next six months. These leaders came from all spheres of influence – government, media, education, business, health, culture & arts, faith and family. They will each engage into a 10 week programme and by the end, they will be ready to train others to facilitate transformational leadership roundtables. Our initial goal is to reach at least 10% of the country’s population. We have launched similar projects successfully in Guatemala (2013), Paraguay (2015) and Costa Rica (2018). I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve the people of these amazing country and participate at this mouvement of transformation! The goal was to transfer proven tools to the people of Dominican Republic by using the Maxwell TransformationalRoundtable Method to foster two-way communication in a structured environment, based on values.

Dominicana se transforma carries the slogan “Transformation starts in Me”, because in each of us, in each person, resides the ability to change and to improve. With the conviction “if one changes, the world changes”, this movement is intended to inspire the people of Dominican Republic to become change agents within their own communities.

«If I want the world to be a better place, I need to become a better person. We need to be the change we want to see by becoming intentional about our own growth so we can add value to others because we have something to offer them.» John Maxwell

John Maxwell said. “Literally, hundreds of our coaches and volunteers from all over the world are paying their own way to serve, add value and make a difference in Dominican Republic. This is how transformation happens – one person cares enough to take action – then hundreds care enough to take action.”

Each trip is so impactful! I admire every single person who went, from the JMTers, to the coordinators to the faculty members. But mostly I was touched by the local organisators, the interpreters and the 26’000 leaders who engaged in the processus! Yes, transformed Lives, become transformed Communities and then lead into transformed Nations!



During the first day of immersion in the country and its culture we discover that this country has 11 million inhabitants and 48’310 km2, almost the same size as Switzerland. The Dominican Republic is an island state located on the island of Hispaniola in the Greater Antilles between the Atlantic and the Caribbean.This island is half Haïti, (french and Creol speaking) and Dominican Republic, speaking Spanish.
We discover the monument built for Christopher Collombo, which reveals an admiration of the Dominicans for the innovative ideas of this adventurer who discovered America thinking he would reach India. He called this island: the golden island.


First French delegation

With Daniel Kouakou, Shad Aboa, Elisangela Vieira, Ezequiel Terol and my-self we represented the french speaking John Maxwell Team Plateforme for this first country-transformation mandat together.


Présentation of the project

Video presentation of John Maxwell to invite the 8 spheres of influence of Dominican Republic and presentation of the project.


Mission: Country Transformation through values based RoundTables *

Methode: Values based, people centered, service based leadership

Message: People of value, value people and add value to people!

We had a first training with the interpreters. My desire was to meet with somebody who knows Creole and Spanish, because I have family involved in Haïti, the other half of this island, speaking creole.  Guess what, In the middle of these 200 coaches and 300 translaters I was sitting beside a young man of 25 years and he told me that he wanted to help to transforme this island, because he was half dominican and haitien. There I understood, that somebody above all orchestrated this amazing Country transformation. He was the answer of my prayers. We prepare to start Roundtables in Haïti too.


Starts at 5 o’clock in the morning. We traveled by bus to the north of the island.

4 hours travel with a group of 20 coaches. The adventure goes on, we don’t knwo where we go, who we meet, we are just prepared to train RoundTables.

I arrive in a huge company, without interpreter, at my own, and at the end of the day I have trained about 100 directors. And when I asked them with how many collaborators they are going to do these RoundTables, they told me: 1500 people! Amazing impact, people are hungry and ready for transformation.

We came back at 9.30 pm, what a day. Here some testimonies: 


To be at the right time, at the right place, with the right people

What a pleasure to meet all these JMT coaches from all over the world and faculty members of our JMT online university. Great values, great environnement of growth, great encouragements. A Leader knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.

Thank you my friend, John Maxwell, for being that person who cares enough to take action and made this dream, this transformation, become reality.


The transformational mouvement goes on … hundreds and hundreds will be the change they want to see, in Republic Dominican and in all the places where our Maxwell Leadership Team is present.


Astrid Meyer

Certified Maxwell Leadership Team coach, speaker and trainer – executive director of the MAXWELL LEADERSHIP TEAM (MLCT) – faculty membre of MAXWELL LEADERSHIP FRANCOPHONE (MLF) – National coordinator EQUIP SWITZERLAND  director of RESSOURCES DE VIE and GLOBAL HUMAN VALUES           

Team: Dominicana se transforma

 John Maxwell, Mark Cole, Chris Robinson, John & Antoinette Griffin, George Hoskins, Jerry Anderson, Carolina Rodriguez, Deb Eslinger, Ray Popham, Roddy Galbraith, Ezequiel Terol Rivas, Elisangela Rodrigues, Daniel Kouakou, Astrid Meyer-Keel et Shad Aboa, Kelly Merbler,  April Floyd, Ivona Polkowska, Dorota Cebratowska, José Beauchamp, Becky & John Spieth, Nina Elison, Carlos Angulo, Daisy Arce, Jeimy Arias, Gaby & Tim Teasdale, Genesis, Jolander Headley, Norma Zambrano, Tomasz Wiklinski, Carlos Rodriguez, Anupama Kinatukara, Mei Powers, Grace Simon, Lilian Jackson, Colette Uwadia, Aju Johnson, Kristan Getsy, Christian Del Rosario, Sumer Hahn, Denise Watts-Wilson and many more!

Interpreters: Rafael Nunez, Hugo Hidalgo,

Thelma, Mireya, Fermin Perez, Hugo, Louis


The John Maxwell Leadership Foundation is a non-for-profit organization that equips and trains leaders around the world. John C. Maxwell is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, coach, and speaker who has sold more than 26 million books in fifty languages. In 2014 he was identified as the #1 leader in business by the American Management Association® and the most influential leadership expert in the world by Business Insider and Inc. magazine. As the founder of The John Maxwell Company, The John Maxwell Team, EQUIP, and the John Maxwell Leadership Foundation, he has trained more than 6 million leaders. In 2015, he reached the milestone of having trained leaders from every country of the world. The recipient of the Mother Teresa Prize for Global Peace and Leadership from the Luminary Leadership Network, Dr. Maxwell speaks each year to companies, presidents of nations, and many of the world’s top business leaders.

Astrid Admin
Author: Astrid Admin

Gouvernance et Culture d’entreprise (Leadership et Valeurs) Psychologie du travail/Analyse de la culture/Coaching/Formation/Trouver des solutions entrepreneuriales Fondatrice de GLOBAL HUMAN VALUES et de RESSOURCES DE VIE