March, 2018
5 day itinerary

Roundtable training with 12'000 leaders

Duration: 5 days
Costa Rica: leaders of 7 spheres of influence
Coaches: 250 coaches of the John Maxwell Team
Goal: reach 150’000 peoples of Costa Rica

Leadership expert John C. Maxwell and 250 coaches from all over the world came to San José, Costa Rica at the invitation of President Luis Guillermo Sollis, from March 11-15, 2018. This special delegation launched a strategic transformational leadership development project at national level known as Transformación Costa Rica. The goal is to reach up to 120’000 of the Costa Rican population by equipping them with values-based prinicples they can learn, live and lead in their social and professional environments.


This initiative was led by:



It was such a blessing to have been part of #TransformacionCostaRica with 250 coaches of The John Maxwell Team. With the help of 500 interpreters and with exceptional teamwork, we trained 15’000 facilitators during five days with a potential impact of 90’000 to 120’000 people over the next six months. These leaders came from all spheres of influence – government, media, education, business, health, culture & arts, faith and family. They will each engage into a 16 week programme and by the end, they will be ready to train others to facilitate transformational leadership roundtables. Our initial goal is to reach at least 10% of the country’s population. We have launched similar projects successfully in Guatemala (2013) and Paraguay (2015). I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve the people of these amazing country and participate at this mouvement of transformation! The goal was to transfer proven tools to the people of Costa Rica by using the Maxwell Roundtable Method to foster two-way communication in a structured environment.

 Transformación Costa Rica carries the slogan “Transformation is in Me”, because in each of us, in each person, resides the ability to change and to improve. With the conviction “if one changes, the world changes”, this movement is intended to inspire the people of Costa Rica to become change agents within their own communities.

«If I want the world to be a better place, I need to become a better person. We need to be the change we want to see by becoming intentional about our own growth so we can add value to others because we have something to offer them.» John Maxwell

“This is Operation Leadership Lift-off for Costa Rica,” John Maxwell said. “Literally, hundreds of our coaches and volunteers from all over the world are paying their own way to serve, add value and make a difference in Costa Rica. This is how transformation happens – one person cares enough to take action – then hundreds care enough to take action.”

I had no idea this trip would impact me the way it did! I admire every single person that went, from the JMTers, to the coordinators to the faculty members. But mostly I was touched by the local organisators, the interpreters and the 15’000 leaders who engaged in the processus! That gave me such a new understanding of hope and a bigger picture. Yes transformation is possible.

We all came back with beautiful memories. Here some of them:

Roundtable “Healing Center”

For my first round table session, I was invited to the administrative center of health care which represents the 80’000 doctors of Costa Rica. The 16-week program consists of ten round tables about values, and six round tables about intentional living. The group enjoyed the round table process and these 12 leaders we trained that day were ready to start their own groups as a facilitator for the next weeks.

I was profoundly impacted by the way the coaches were randomly assigned, and we ended up at places with meaningful connections, beyond all human wisdom. Nobody knew that I had been in the hospital for two years because of a serious health problem. I expressed in my introduction at the healing center all my gratitude about the wonderful healing I received through doctors and medical help.

After the round table session, two leaders invited us to have lunch. During our conversation, I asked, «What is your dream?» «Peace in my country!» Said the assistant. «And what action step did you take to make it real?» And she shared with emotion, «I started to walk by faith and peace came in my life.» At that moment her supervisor started to have tears as well, and she said: «Yes, that’s my dream to bring healing peace in this place and your coming is an answer to my prayers!»

During the round tables we avoided discussions about religion or politique, it was just interesting to observe how it opens space for deep discussions in private places after.

Roundtable “New Generation”


We had a great session with teachers and directors from different schools. That’s the most precious place to be, to start transformation with the new generation!


Roundtable “Shaking”

Another round table session was with a young and dynamic business. Suddenly, we felt an earthquake! After this surprising event, everybody started to share deeply and with authenticity! Does transformation start by shaking?

History Costa Rica

A historical and political view of Costa Rica by Professor Jesus Rosales Valladar

  • The Costa Rican people are searcher of peace. In 1948 they came out of a terrible civil war. Since then they have tried to find new ways to establish peace. Don Pepe is an emblematic figure who made a great difference for this purpose. The death penalty in Costa Rica has been abolished, as well the army.
  • The right to vote is given to men and women, the democracy is established. Priority is put on education and health. Neutrality is defined in 1987 because of the numerous civil wars in the countries surrounding them.
  • A women became president in 2010 and served until 2014. On the 1st of April 2018 there was a new vote for the new president. Two young leaders are presented: A Christian worship leader and a dynamic young leader appreciated by university students. There is still a part of 20% of poor population, more on the Caribbean side.
  • Costa Rica has a wonderful nature and lots of animals, 110 volcanos, rain forests and great beaches.
  • Pura vida (pure life) is the most used expression for all situations in Costa Rica!


Visiting the Football team and coaches of Costa Rica

We had the honor to meet the coaches of the Costa Rican soccer team! Great moment and John Maxwell shared his heart about wishing to be part of the player team. He gave some great encouragements to the coaches!



Visite to an Orphanage «Obras del Espíritu Santo»



This Orphanage takes care for over 5’000 children. I’ve met a young student who takes care of the children. It was a great connexion, and I shared with her about our Global Youth Initiative and Quartier Libre. I experienced a lovely moment with the children in the area of the zoo.


With the rest of the team we have been to a lot of other places like the University, the police department, the National Theater, you can find more informations:


Service day

Service day in a School: Transformation on the inside and outside!

The children of the Sanabria School gave to our service team such a warm welcome. With the organisation « Hope partners » we were prepared to hug the children as long they want to hug, to give full attention by valuing them through class work and finally to share the beauty by painting their old and dark looking meeting space. Finally we were even more deeply touched by their affection and love.

There were so many children were I could feel the pain of abuse and drama which provides a feeling of helplessness! At that moment I realized that I never could fill up the deep black holes of damage done, but I became aware that I can see how wonderfully they found a way to survive by reinforcing the edges of these holes and not let them destroy their lives. That filled me with hope to see the great potential of human beings and the wonderful grace above all! It’s not the outside that defines our inside, it’s our inside that defines the outside.

Could it be that around the edges of our own holes we are called to become heroes? That’s what I hope the children could see in us, a lot of holes with wonderful edges that reveal hope and love!

Photo: before and after

The many who revealed hope, love and joy!


Heavenly meetings

What a pleasure to meet all these JMT coaches from all over the world and faculty members of our JMT online university. Great values, great environnement of growth, great encouragements. A Leader knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.

Thank you my friend, John Maxwell, for being that person who cares enough to take action and made this dream, this transformation, become reality.



The transformational mouvement goes on … hundreds and hundreds will be the change they want to see, in Costa Rica and in all the places where our John Maxwell Team is present.

That reminds me of the film « Tomorrow (a french film called DEMAIN)» where they searched people all around the word who made a difference. Yes transformation is possible! If you’re interested in learning more about the John Maxwell Team and Country Transformation, please reach out. It’s a “wonderful” experience. In Switzerland, I offer roundtables on différents values. I look forward to helping you achieve your goals.

Astrid Meyer

Certified John Maxwell Team coach, speaker and trainer – executive director of the JMT – National coordinator EQUIP SWITZERLAND   

The John Maxwell Leadership Foundation is a non-for-profit organization that equips and trains leaders around the world. John C. Maxwell is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, coach, and speaker who has sold more than 26 million books in fifty languages. In 2014 he was identified as the #1 leader in business by the American Management Association® and the most influential leadership expert in the world by Business Insider and Inc. magazine. As the founder of The John Maxwell Company, The John Maxwell Team, EQUIP, and the John Maxwell Leadership Foundation, he has trained more than 6 million leaders. In 2015, he reached the milestone of having trained leaders from every country of the world. The recipient of the Mother Teresa Prize for Global Peace and Leadership from the Luminary Leadership Network, Dr. Maxwell speaks each year to companies, presidents of nations, and many of the world’s top business leaders.

Astrid Admin
Author: Astrid Admin

Gouvernance et Culture d’entreprise (Leadership et Valeurs) Psychologie du travail/Analyse de la culture/Coaching/Formation/Trouver des solutions entrepreneuriales Fondatrice de GLOBAL HUMAN VALUES et de RESSOURCES DE VIE