Do you want to be part of this project?

How can you get involved and support this new phase?

Dear values ambassadors,

In 18 months, we’ve multiplied to become 100 Beyond Success facilitators. Well done, and thank you for believing and taking the plunge.

I’ve spent the last two years volunteering to support this cause during my convalescence. With the support of our GHV platform, we’ve reached a momentum with a multiplication potential of up to 1000 people.

It’s time to take the next step. And sometimes, circumstances push us faster than we think.



You all know that I’ve been committed to these values of transformation on a larger scale for some time. But between COVID and my second cancer, the development was tested several times over. But with the creation of our GHV platform and the volunteer commitment to Beyond Success, these values were able to be promoted in spite of everything!

  • 2016 I joined Maxwell Leadership USA
  • 2018 1st transformation participation in Costa Rica
  • 2019 Roundtable training in Berlin Ohio to become specialist
  • 2020
    March 7 1st Value Roundtable training in a large Swiss company with 80 participants.
    March 8 COVID abrupt halt to our face-to-face activities
  • 2020-2021 during COVID: creation of Global Human Values, a platform to help and support facilitators deliver online courses.
  • 2022 After COVID: launch of several major values projects in companies …
    mars stopped by a second cancer!
  • 2022 – 2023 Convalescence: Supporting the volunteer movement Beyond success: this enabled us to refine the GHV platform.
  • 2024 Official launch of professional Value Roundtables in various companies and groups nationally and internationally.


Launch of professional value Roundtables

Professional training – Level 1


The next training course begins on January 16, 2024 over 4 sessions and covers the annual subscription. This annual subscription must be renewed each year and gives you access to all 48 values and monthly calls. For each course you sell, GHV receives a 20% collaborative fee. This system allows everyone to start at an affordable price but with a clear commitment. And the subscription fee will be deducted from the annual 20% due for the courses given. In short, this course should cost you nothing, because you add value and it adds value to you – the very principle of value.


Professional training – Advanced


The next course starts on February 20, 2024 over 2 sessions.

Learn to use these same values for organizations and businesses. Develop strategies, adapted modules and global programs.


Take advantage of this great opportunity to promote your activities on GHV. You can sign up as a facilitator, so that your guests can stay in your breakout rooms during the introductory Roundtable. As a host, we are entitled to a rebroadcast, normally at 79.00 euros. But I really wanted everyone to be able to enjoy it at Fr./€ 39.-

LIVE 2 LEAD – SATURDAY 20 JANUARY 2024, 1 pm to 6 pm

Following on from the October 6 event, here’s the next online broadcast date. The event was exceptional. John Maxwell and his guests gave a powerful and unprecedented message. Free access for those who paid for a ticket on October 6. This event is a wonderful calling card for your MLF activities and values journey.

Let’s make the most of this event and pass this link on:

Direct ticket link:

There will also be a face-to-face event for Swiss friends at La Clef de Sol:

Direct ticket link:


8 January 2024, 8pm

We’ll be back with our GHV BOOST on January 8, 2024 at 8 p.m. to give you an even better introduction to this new stage and answer any questions you may have.

GHV will continue to make the tools of this platform available to you free of charge, so that you can give the Beyond Success courses free of charge.

With my best wishes to you all for this new year 2024. At your side to seize the transformation.

Kind regards

© 2022 Global Human Values

Disclaimer / Privacy statement

Astrid Meyer
Author: Astrid Meyer

------English below Coach/formatrice en Leadership & Valeurs, Consultante, conseillère psychologique et spécialiste GPS, DISC Compréhension de l'être humain et de son comportement (intelligence émotionnelle et sociale) Bilan de leadership, de compétences humaines, de caractère (évaluation comportementale) et de valeurs. Entrepreneuriat social Fondatrice de GLOBAL HUMAN VALUES et de RESSOURCES DE VIE Impliquée dans la transformation de pays avec Maxwell Leadership, CYW, EQUIP. plus d'infos: ------- English Leadership & Values Coach/Trainer, Consultant, Counselor and DISC, GPS specialist Understanding of human being & doing (emotional and social intelligence) Assessments of leadership, human qualities, character (behavioral assessment) and values. Social entrepreneur Founder of GLOBAL HUMAN VALUES and RESSOURCES DE VIE Involved in country transformation Maxwell Leadership, CYW, EQUIP. more : ——