Everything rises and falls on leadership.

John C. Maxwell

High Road Leadership: Become the Leader Who Inspires Positive Change

Leadership can elevate people to new heights or pull them into frustration and despair. The choice lies in how we lead. Based on John C. Maxwell’s latest book, High Road Leadership, this Mastermind course offers a clear path to becoming a leader who takes the high road—where values, integrity, and people always come first.

Through four interactive Mastermind sessions, we will dive into the twelve transformative principles of high-road leadership, guided by an introduction from John Maxwell himself. You’ll learn how to:

1. Bring People Together by uniting them around shared values and goals.

2. Value All People and treat everyone with respect and dignity.

3. Acknowledge Your Humanness and lead with authenticity and humility.

4. Do The Right Thing For The Right Reasons, always grounded in integrity.

5. Give More Than You Take to foster trust and meaningful relationships.

6. Develop Emotional Capacity to handle challenges with grace.

7. Place People Above Your Own Agenda, putting others first.

8. Embrace Authenticity in all your interactions.

9. Take Accountability For Your Actions, setting the example for others.

10. Live By The Bigger Picture to create lasting impact.

11. Don’t Keep Score, focusing on collaboration over competition.

12. Desire The Best For Others and help them grow alongside you.

By adopting these principles, you’ll increase your influence, create a positive impact, and become a leader who builds others up rather than tearing them down. Take the high road and make the world around you a better place through your leadership.


Join this Mastermind course and become the leader people need today!

This Masterclass is given through 4 sessions 1.5 hours each in the form of a classroom seminar or an online webinar.  Through our plattform you will benefit from a workbook and video recordings. Places limited to 10 participants.

Astrid Admin
Author: Astrid Admin

Si vous vous posez des questions sur le fonctionnement sociales (leadership), le développement personnel (psychologie/coaching) et la création de solutions (entrepreneuriat) connectez! Mes domaines de prédilection: Gouvernance & Culture d’entreprise (Leadership & Valeurs) Psychologie du travail/Analyse de la culture/Coaching/Formation/Trouver des solutions entrepreneuriales Offre Ressources de vie pour Individus, RH et CODIR Consultante, conseillère psychologique et spécialiste Culture des Valeurs & Entrepreneuriale DISC: Compréhension de l'être humain et de son comportement (intelligence émotionnelle et sociale) Bilan de leadership, de compétences humaines, de caractère (évaluation comportementale) et de valeurs. Entrepreneuriat social -> Trouver des solutions créatives Fondatrice de GLOBAL HUMAN VALUES et de RESSOURCES DE VIE et d'autres organisations ----- Mon histoire: Il y a 10 ans en 2014, lorsque la première grande vague m'a surprise, elle a failli m'emporter. J'ai dû apprendre très vite à ne pas me laisser engloutir par ce cancer des ovaires, mais à chercher la crête pour surfer et avancer plus vite ! 2 ans plus tard, en sortant des hôpitaux et des cliniques, j'ai réalisé que cette vague m'avait fait découvrir une force de vie très puissante qui avait toujours fait partie de moi, mais que je n'utilisais que très peu. Consciente que cette force se...