Dear values ambassadors,

Since 2019, many people have taken the GHV (GPS) training courses to become RoundTable Facilitators.

But between the two years of COVID (2020/21) and my two years of cancer (2022/23), our project was slowed down. Behind the scenes, we carried on. Several pilot projects in large organizations, institutions and other languages were implemented. These Value RoundTables have shown how impactful they can be. Despite my limited health, this time has enabled us to develop this platform and expand our network.

Today, 250 people have been trained in these GHV value RoundTables, and it’s time to establish a sustainable structure and develop an intensive follow-up so that these values can be used in a professional way to transform organizations, regions and even countries.



This is how this MASTERCLASS was born, to move from a training to a transformative experience!  With practical guidance and ongoing mentoring to develop professional facilitators.

For €259 per year, you have access to:

  • 48 values (in English and French, with other languages such as Italian and German coming soon)
  • Mentoring courses twice a month (1h) to inspire, coach, train and support you professionally.
  • A basic or reinforcement course over 4 sessions
  • Operation of this GHV platform (with your personal profile and advertised courses, zoom access, meet etc., an integrated marketing and payment system).
  • All this is possible at such a low price because we operate on a collaborative agreement; each person who commits to this Masterclass level agrees to contribute 20% of the sold RoundTables to the running costs of our Global Human Values organization.




Launch of professional value Roundtables

Level 1 – BOOST Free for Value RoundTables

These BOOST sessions are offered to Level 1, 2 and 3 facilitators. To allow you to ask questions and encourage you in your value RoundTables.

Especially for facilitators who haven’t yet been able to launch into level 2 or 3.

You will be admitted to this group if you have taken a facilitator training course to give courses on a voluntary basis (and if you do not wish to renew your annual paid commitment).

You’ll have access to free modules based on your training:

  • Real Connections GPS
  • Beyond Success
  • CYW

and continue to benefit from the GHV platform.

MASTERCLASS – Professional training – Level 2


CHF/€ 259.-/year.

  • Coaching/mentoring 1 times a month (2h)
  • with access to a basic course (4 sessions) to start or refresh your knowledge as a professional value RoundTable facilitator.
  • 48 professional values with fixed modules.
  • Collaborative engagement.

If you’ve already taken a level 2 training course (at Bobst or online), sign up for BOOST mentoring, which provides you with support, coaching, mentoring and renewal of your 48 values per year.





The next course starts on April 9, 2024 over 2 sessions (in french).

Learn to use these same values for organizations and businesses. Develop strategies, adapted modules and complete programs.

This course includes a subscription to BOOST level 3. If you have already taken this course, simply renew your annual access by clicking on Boost level 3.


This conference remains a magnificent calling card for your value RoundTable activities.


Still available in English here:


  • January 29, 2024 at 12.30 pm and 7.30 pm – 8 pm in English
  • February 5, 2024 at 12.30h and 7.30 pm – 8 pm in EnglishWe’re back with our GHV BOOST to give you an even better overview of this new milestone and answer any questions you may have.At your side to embrace the transformation.

    Kind regards


© 2024 Global Human Values

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Astrid Meyer
Author: Astrid Meyer

Si vous vous posez des questions sur le fonctionnement sociales (leadership), le développement personnel (psychologie/coaching) et la création de solutions (entrepreneuriat) connectez! Mes domaines de prédilection: Gouvernance & Culture d’entreprise (Leadership & Valeurs) Psychologie du travail/Analyse de la culture/Coaching/Formation/Trouver des solutions entrepreneuriales Offre Ressources de vie pour Individus, RH et CODIR Consultante, conseillère psychologique et spécialiste Culture des Valeurs & Entrepreneuriale DISC: Compréhension de l'être humain et de son comportement (intelligence émotionnelle et sociale) Bilan de leadership, de compétences humaines, de caractère (évaluation comportementale) et de valeurs. Entrepreneuriat social -> Trouver des solutions créatives Fondatrice de GLOBAL HUMAN VALUES et de RESSOURCES DE VIE et d'autres organisations ----- Mon histoire: Il y a 10 ans en 2014, lorsque la première grande vague m'a surprise, elle a failli m'emporter. J'ai dû apprendre très vite à ne pas me laisser engloutir par ce cancer des ovaires, mais à chercher la crête pour surfer et avancer plus vite ! 2 ans plus tard, en sortant des hôpitaux et des cliniques, j'ai réalisé que cette vague m'avait fait découvrir une force de vie très puissante qui avait toujours fait partie de moi, mais que je n'utilisais que très peu. Consciente que cette force se...