Dear Friend,
What do you want out of life? In my five decades of working with people and striving to add value to them, I’ve come to believe that deep down, everyone wants to be successful, live a life of purpose, and make a difference.
Does that describe you? If so, these roundtable lessons will help you. They have been designed to add value to you, help you become more successful, and start you on a road that goes even beyond success.
For the next seven weeks, you will have an opportunity to discuss subjects that are keys to success, such as priorities, attitude, and relationships. You’ll also have a chance to learn about and discuss intentional living, which I have discovered to be the bridge to a life of significance.
Mahatma Gandhi advised us to be the change we want to see in the world. If I want my home, my workplace, my community, or my country to be better, then I need to become better. We do that by becoming intentional about improving ourselves. And one of the best benefits is that it puts us in a place to add value to others.
So, I want to welcome you into an exciting process. If you are willing to talk honestly in these meetings and are open to positive change, you will be amazed at what can happen in only seven weeks. And you also will be encouraged by the positive impact you can make on others.
Thank you for making an investment in yourself and others.
Your friend,
This program is based on these seven values that will be facilitated during 7 sessions of 1 hour over 7 weeks in a small group of 10 to 15 people (In presence or online).
5 step methodology:
With a short video John Maxwell introduces every topic. Then we dive into the value reading and enter a process of personal awareness and action-steps.
Possibility to follow a bonus session if the previous 7 sessions were followed to enter the process of becoming a facilitator.
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