Teaser d’une formation en 2020 en présentiel dans une grande entreprise Suisse.



We live in a world sorely lacking in values. But what values are we talking about?

We’re talking about tried-and-proven principles of life that bring long-term improvement and become human values. Over the centuries, people of all cultures, backgrounds, genders and ages have discovered the need to align themselves with the same fundamental values.

The Values Journeys have been developed over more than 30 years, using a simple and highly effective methodology. Today, 48 core values have been selected and developed as part of a process of transformational progression and according to the needs proposed in different areas.

Based on these values, nationwide transformations of countries and communities have been launched, and movements have been initiated with these value journeys. All these programs are offered in different languages.

Through our GLOBAL HUMAN VALUES platform we serve you in different countries and languages with a team of certified facilitators, coaches and trainers.

This platform offers you answers to the needs of today’s challenges with programs on values, personal development and social cohesion with values-based leadership.


In four sessions you will learn the methodology, discover the different values and practice group coaching.

There’s no mission more important than giving others the chance to dream of a better life, and equipping them to live it. There’s no better way to do this than to help them identify and align their lives with fundamental human values.

VALUES COURSES: linking awareness to concrete action

These courses are distinguished by a key process: encouraging participants to establish a strong link between their self-awareness and putting it into practice. The aim? To foster tangible, lasting change, particularly in the area of character.

Values Journeys are effective because:

  • They take place in a small group of four to ten people.
  • They generally last between thirty (four people) and sixty (ten people) minutes.
  • They give each participant a “voice” and the opportunity to engage.
  • They are designed to focus on personal growth and development.

During this training, you will learn :

  • the Values Journey methodology
  • how to conduct a Values Journey
  • how to engage all participants in sharing their own experience and coaching their action
  • discover 48 values
  • how to put 4 of them into practice

but that’s not all!


A valuable group of people and cutting-edge technology. Come and discover our GLOBAL HUMAN VALUES platform based in Switzerland but actif nation wide. A platform that lets you get started with online webinars without any computer knowledge. You’ll have access to

  • a personalized instructor profile page integrated into the portal, featuring all your courses. (Sales channel)
  • Integrated payment system
  • Protected documents and videos
  • Technical support
  • Professional support to become value experts
  • and more …. discover here

All this is possible thanks to our collaborative approach – 20% of course revenues contribute to GHV’s operations and development, and help sponsor interventions in schools and groups with non-profit aims. Join our team and our community. Regular BOOST webinars connect you to a network of quality facilitators/coaches/teachers who live values-based leadership. THE WORLD NEEDS YOU!

This training course is part of the GHV Pro Instructor subscription. Register by clicking on the following link and follow the instructions you’ll receive by e-mail. The Pro subscription is available at an annual rate of € 295.

Configuration du cours


Astrid Meyer

Type of cours

4 lessons of 2 hours each in the form of a webinar with a group limited to 10 participants


Brochure PDF


  • 04.02.2025
  • 11.02.2025
  • 18.02.2025
  • 25.02.2025

next dates:

  • 08.04.2025
  • 15.04.2025
  • 22.04.2025
  • 29.04.2025
Astrid Admin
Author: Astrid Admin

Si vous vous posez des questions sur le fonctionnement sociales (leadership), le développement personnel (psychologie/coaching) et la création de solutions (entrepreneuriat) connectez! Mes domaines de prédilection: Gouvernance & Culture d’entreprise (Leadership & Valeurs) Psychologie du travail/Analyse de la culture/Coaching/Formation/Trouver des solutions entrepreneuriales Offre Ressources de vie pour Individus, RH et CODIR Consultante, conseillère psychologique et spécialiste Culture des Valeurs & Entrepreneuriale DISC: Compréhension de l'être humain et de son comportement (intelligence émotionnelle et sociale) Bilan de leadership, de compétences humaines, de caractère (évaluation comportementale) et de valeurs. Entrepreneuriat social -> Trouver des solutions créatives Fondatrice de GLOBAL HUMAN VALUES et de RESSOURCES DE VIE et d'autres organisations ----- Mon histoire: Il y a 10 ans en 2014, lorsque la première grande vague m'a surprise, elle a failli m'emporter. J'ai dû apprendre très vite à ne pas me laisser engloutir par ce cancer des ovaires, mais à chercher la crête pour surfer et avancer plus vite ! 2 ans plus tard, en sortant des hôpitaux et des cliniques, j'ai réalisé que cette vague m'avait fait découvrir une force de vie très puissante qui avait toujours fait partie de moi, mais que je n'utilisais que très peu. Consciente que cette force se...